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Graduate's dilemma:
College, apprenticeship or university?

It's fall and our graduating high school students have very hard questions to answer - do I go to community college, university or in an apprenticeship program? What are the costs in time and money? What are the cutoffs for admission and what is the attrition rate?

How do you know if college or university would be your best choice? If you know for sure what you want to do, then community college may be the way to go. Instruction is specific, for example broadcasting or paramedic. Tuition costs of $2,500 are approximately half that of the university and, hopefully, your training will lead to a meaningful job.

You attend university to get an overall education, not a specific career except for the faculties of business, engineering, nursing, social work and information and media studies that offer employment after four years of study.

So how does a parent know what is in the best interests of their children? If your children like to read for fun and enjoy school then look hard at university. Hands-on students who find it hard to sit at a desk can do well in college co-op courses and apprenticeship.

To stay at home or go away to university is a hard question to answer. You're looking at $7,000 for residence with meal plan, plus $5,000 for tuition. Books cost $600, entertainment and incidentals vary but the average is $300 per month. Budget for first year and you can apply for a mortgage of $16,000!

You do not make your children independent by paying all of their expenses. When students have a vested interest in their education - that is, by helping to pay for it - the whole dimension changes regarding attending classes vs. the party scene. Cell phones, sweet cars and designer clothes are not necessities of life.

There are scholarships, bursaries and loans available to help defray the costs of schooling. Students can opt for Ontario Student Aid Program. The maximum $9,000 loan is the student's responsibility and is repayable in installments starting six months after leaving school. On average the debt load for four years of post secondary education is $25,000.

The choice to attend a post secondary institution or an apprenticeship is difficult. Trades people are in high demand and do very nicely, thank you. Heard the joke about the plumber billing a lawyer? "I don't charge my clients such outrageous fees," the lawyer says. The plumber replies: "When I was a lawyer I didn't either."

In today's world of change it is hard to be successful without a post secondary education. Parents need to help their children develop a positive sense of direction for their future.

Check out your options:

  • The Quebec university education program will be hosted by London Central Secondary School Monday, Oct. 6, 7 - 9 p.m.
  • International University representatives will be at Medway Collegiate Thursday, Oct 16, 7 - 9 p.m.
  • The Community college information sessions will be held at Fanshawe College Thursday, Oct. 23, 7 - 9 p.m. and Friday, Oct. 24, 9 a.m. - 12 noon.

Folks, the last year of high school passes quickly. Too soon your children will be off to explore new horizons. Plan on making personal visits to the campuses to make informed choices. Next year is too little too late.


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